Upcoming Appearances

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
Saturday, April 21, 2018
SPAWN Booth Signing
Kathryn E. McGee, Tim Ronca, and I will be signing DTLA/37 at the Festival of Books. Come say hi to us at the SPAWN booth on Trousdale Parkway (the main thoroughfare), near Taper Hall. I'll include a time soon.
USC in Los Angeles, CA
SPAWN booth - #184 on Trousdale Parkway
Admission is free, but parking is $10
For more info, check out the Festival of Books website.
Check back for more appearances!
Past Appearances

Los Angeles Vintage Paperback Show
​Sunday, March 18, 2018
​Kathryn E. McGee and I appeared at the LA Vintage Paperback Show, selling our (definitely not vintage) paperbacks, including DTLA/37 and some of the anthologies that feature our work.
Glendale Civic Auditorium in Glendale, CA
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | $5
For more info:

Angels Flight • literary west Salon
​Saturday, March 3, 2018
An Evening with Cari Lynn and Christine Pelisek
A reading and conversation with Los Angeles-based investigative authors Cari Lynn and Christine Pelisek. Interview moderated by Yennie Cheung.
The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles, CA
7-9 p.m. | Free!

Angels Flight • literary west Salon
Saturday, January 13, 2017
Year of the Woman: Writing for Change
With Sylvia Brownrigg, Natashia Deón, Karolyn Gehrig, Liska Jacobs, Kerry Neville, Eva Recinos, Carla Sameth, Solvej Schou, Laura Warrell, Aruni Wijesinghe
The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles, CA
7-9 p.m. | Free!

Book Signing at Dark Delicacies
Sunday, December 17, 2017
With Kathryn E. McGee, Deanne Stillman, and Sean Patrick Traver
Dark Delicacies in Burbank, CA
4-6 pm | Free!

DTLA/37 Book Launch!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
With Kathryn E. McGee, Tim Ronca, and Lev Tsimring
In conversation with David L. Ulin
The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles, CA
7:30 pm | Free!

LA Lit Crawl 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Round One: Heat It Up!
A reading featuring alumni of the UC Riverside-Palm Desert MFA program
With Ruth Nolan, Darlene Kriesel, George D. Morgan, and Douglas Wood.
Dog Haus in North Hollywood, CA
7 pm | Free

Tongue and Groove
Sunday, July 30, 2017
With Amanda Fletcher, Xach Fromson, Chelsea Rose, and Mike Sonksen
Music by Erin and Melissa
Hosted by Conrad Romo
Hotel Cafe
6-7:30 pm | $7

Only Light Can Do That Reading
Thursday, December 8, 2016
With contributors to the PEN Center USA anthology reading in one night.
7-9 pm | Free

Vermin on the Mount Anniversary Show
Friday, August 19, 2016
With Bianca Barragan, Scott Chesire, Heather Fowler, David Fromm, Peter Holslin, and Ivy Pochoda
Hosted by Jim Rulin
Book Show in Los Angeles, CA
7:30 pm | Free

Dirty Laundry Lit
Saturday, February 7, 2015
With Daniel Barron, Cecil Castellucci, Food4Thot, Julia Ingalls, Ian Harvie, and Joshua Weiner
Hosted by Jeff Eyres and Produced by Natashia Deon
The Virgil in Los Angeles, CA
7pm | $7